I went from waiting around for dusty men to call me back to being pursued and cherished by incredible, masculine men - and now to being happily married to the type of man who cherishes me day in and day out. Join me in my new, free, 3-day masterclass series, called “Manifesting Love”, where I will share with you the secret approach to manifesting your dream relationship with your ideal partner. Join with the link in my bio to reserve your spot for the masterclass series ✨🥰 #datingadviceforwomen #datingcoachforwomen #datingtipsforwomen #datingadvice #datingcoach #datingtips #datinginyour30s #datinginyour40s #findyoursoulmate #datinghelp #datinglife #datingmistakes #commondatingmistakes #placeholdergirlfriend #makehimobsessed #makehimcommit #makehimloveyou #makehimchaseyou #manifestlove #manifestinglove #manifesting