Replying to @viriena_ Do YOU actually need LinkedIn a LinkedIn LinkedInprofile?? It depends... 🤔🤔🤔🤔♥️ not everybody needs to use LinkedIn but before you dismiss it and decide you don't have to have a profile hear me out. if you want any type of business role, office role, computer job or any other professional job you're going to want a LinkedIn profile. they're over 900 million people in the platform so the real problem becomes do you know how to build a keyword optimized LinkedIn profile so that you will show up in recruiter search results. when you learn how to do this you will be able to get matched with opportunities and you will find that more recruiters will contact you proactively. there are several places on your LinkedIn profile that you want to consider a keyword optimizing which includes your headline, you're about section, and your work history. once you learn how to do this you will see better results. that's why I included answers to these in my new tiktok series so that you can get the most common resume and Linkedin questions answered all in one place you can check it out in the link below! #linkedintips #linkedinprofile #howtofindajob #linkedin #careeradvice #careerhelp #careercoachontiktok #recruiter