The fresh retwist and style stage: This fresh fresh stage where all the partings can be seen. The whole scalp exposed as hell but it still looks the cleanest. Twist out stage: The best stage (for me personally). Better use this stage to go out as much as possible. Go to target, run your errands, step outside because this beautiful time doesn’t last forever. The frizzy, slightly fading twist out stage: This stage is bittersweet cuz it still looks fire but you know your hair is a ticking time bomb. Nothing good ever lasts except Jesus so you better not get too attached to the twist out haha. (4 infinite twist out method - scroll down) Lil afro undergrowth stage: This is when the twist out is basically gone and you just feel that lil fro coming along. The roots are nearly gone and the urges for a retwist start to seep in but then you realise it’s only been a month so you gotta wait a lil while longer. Skull cap/ beanie stage: This is when it gets messy to the point where it’s no longer acceptable to be seen. Everyone keeps asking you when you getting a retest and you cba for all the questions so you just slap on a beanie or skull cap (for the skull cap drop, you know where to find it —> 🅱️❗️🅾️) #locs #locjourney #locsoftiktok #locsjourney #loctok