Body weight > Weights I love lifting weights but there’s something about being able to fly that I just love too much. If you had to pick one… And for the rest of your life you can only do that… LIFTING OR CALISTHENICS??? #traininsaneorremainthesame Calisthenics offers the following benefits over weight lifting: 1. Convenience: Calisthenics can be done anywhere without equipment. 2. Functional strength: It improves overall functional strength, coordination, and flexibility. 3. Joint-friendly: It puts less stress on the joints. 4. Bodyweight control: It enhances bodyweight control, balance, and agility. 5. Cardiovascular benefits: It can provide cardiovascular benefits alongside strength training. Both calisthenics and weight lifting have their advantages, and the best approach depends on your goals and preferences. Many people find a combination of both to be effective LIKE MYSELF. #calisthenics #bodyweightworkout #streetworkout #beastmode #flips #workoutmotivation #supportmilitarymuscle #military