✈️ 🧳 TRAVEL HACKS: HOTEL EDITION ❤️🛅 Have you ever looked at the laundry slip at a hotel? The prices are outrageous! But what can you do if you’re stuck and need a few pieces washed before you get home? Here’s the answer! Along with hacks for dealing with bed bugs, peep holes and making sure your hotel door is really secure 🤗 Have you ever had to use the hotel laundry service, if so, what did you send out? Comment and LMK! 🧺 XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: LORAfied.com for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱ TikTok 📺 YouTube 📌 Pinterest 👍 Facebook #tiktoktravel #hoteltok #hotelhacks @BAND-AID Brand @Amazon @Amazon Home @Nantucket Footprint #LORAfied #homemaker #hotelstay #hotelrooms #bedbugs #packinghacks #dirtylaundry #carryonluggage #passportholder #travelaccessories #travelessentials #packinghacks #travelingfamily #travelhacks #packingtips #traveltipsandtricks #travelexpert #travelingwithkids #whattopack #whatsinmybag #packinglist #travelingstuff #travelingwomen #travelingmom #familytraveltips #travelhacker #travelhack #travelhacking #travelingtips #ballingonabudget