Your baby is now halfway to 1🙌🏻🎊 what an exciting time! You’re finally out of that newborn stage and able to get out of the house more. You should hopefully start feeling a bit more like yourself. Of course play time is the best time now that your babe is more active and aware! 💤Sleeping basics At this age, babies typically sleep about 11 hours at night (many straight through) and take around two daily naps that add up to three to four hours, though it can vary. 🍌🥑Solids Your baby is finally ready to start solids! Whether you’re going straight into baby led weaning or wanting to start purées. The big book of organic baby food by Stephanie Middleberg is a huge must have! 🤸🏽♂️Activity At this point babe should be able to roll in both directions, balance on their stomach and they should start showing signs of sitting up with less support. They should start really interacting with you and their environment! So grabbing everything, trying to army crawl towards objects and putting everything in their mouth. They will definitely start showcasing all their opinions and feelings! Start getting activities ready for the day to tire them out! Whether it’s a walk, sensory activity, water activity or just plan hanging out together! This is such a fun and exciting stage!! #sleep #newbornsleep #babynotsleeping #newborntips #expectingmoms #firsttimemom #newborn #swaddle #5Smethod #1monthold #fourthtrimester #sleepconsultant #WeeSleep #BergenCounty #njmoms #nycmoms #6months #pediatricsleepconsultant #bergencountymoms #morriscountymoms #sleeptips #babynotsleeping #sleephelp #sleeptips