From a TCM point of view, when we inject Botox, we stop the flow of Qi, Blood and Fluids in the muscles and in the skin. It causes the skin and muscles to age more rapidly as there’s no more life in it. Acupuncture, acupressure, facial cupping, facial massage, guasha, or facial reflexology all move stagnant Qi, Blood and Fluids in your face that can cause dullness, wrinkles, saggy skin. Facial cupping penetrates the multiple layers of the skin which result in a better lymphatic and energy flow (more glow!), released muscular tension (faded fine lines and wrinkles), and smoother, toned skin! Let me know what you think in comment ⬇️ #thefacialcuppingexpert #facialcuppingexpert #traditionalchinesemedicine #facialcupping #botoxbeforeandafter #botoxalternative #acupunctureworks #holistichealth #holisticwellness #noflownoglow