You know? We have 49 acupoints and 6 meridians on our head, and the skin of the head and the skin of the face are closely connected. I use this white buffalo horn massage brush on the head from the jaw line to the bottom of the head. It looks like a "U" shape from the side, and you can see that the face shows a natural lift effect, which is very obvious! And with glass skin, shiny and elastic.#missmaya #tcm #tcmbeautytips #antianging #antiwrinkle #antiwrinkles #acupoint #beauty #beautytips #beautybloggers #skin #skincare #guasha #guashafacial #guashamassage #tcmbeauty #tcmbeautytips #tcm #facialmassage #antiaging #antiage #headguasha #head #headmassage