Thank you and goodbye 2023 🥹💜 What a year! I don’t even know where to start but with saying thank YOU! To all of our wonderful friends, mutuals and supporters, thank you for making 2023 AMAZING 😭💕 I’m so proud of all the thing we achieved! So I’ll do a little summary to see how much we did: I attended @The Game Expo, @DreamHack, @Metro Comic Con, @PAXAUS and @SXSW Sydney as a creator, I got to meet so many lovely people and fellow creators and it was my first time travelling to a con outside of Melbourne! 🥹 I even got a chance to be on multiple panels throughout the year and host a meet and greet! I never ever thought that this could be my life and I’m so incredibly thankful for every single experience! I cosplayed a lot, including D.Va (three times, one with armour and one casual!), Lady Dimitrescu, Jett, rollerskating Barbie, Raiden Shogun, and my first couples cosplay with @Buzzarre of Cody & May and Peach & Bowser, all handmade! 😍 So thank you to 2023, for challenging us, pushing us and changing us, I’m excited for 2024 and all the amazing things we will achieve! 🎉✨🥳 #2023recap #happynewyear #relationship #relationships #relationshipgoals #relateable #couple #couplegamers #couplegaming #couplegoals #couplelove #couples #goals #gamercouple #gamingsetup #gamingroom #truelove #datenight #dateideas #gamenight #cozy #cozyhome #boyfriend #ihavethebestboyfriend #pcgaming #consolegaming #pc #pcsetup #tech #technology #love #cute #soulmate #gameroom #EkspresikanDenganCapCut #ekspresikan2023 #EkspresikanDenganCapCut