Welcome to 2024! As always, starting the year with the most random edit posted at the most random hours, who’s surprised ? 2023 has been an incredible year, ive learned so much and ive grown a LOT. You probably already know this but i take breaks from tiktok and editing quite often, i need it to focus on myself, my work, my friends and my family. Not putting pressure on myself to post regularly is freeing and i have never enjoyed editing more than this year. Im even studying to turn it into my future job now ! Thank you for following me and supporting throughout another fabulous year on tiktok, youtube and instagram. Thank you for being here and for liking my edits, i would probably not be here today without you all. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, i could say it a million times and it wouldnt be enough to show you how grateful i am to get to continue this adventure with you in 2024. I will continue to share my projects and ideas with you and I hope you will like them as much as I do !! Remeber that you are loved, heard and cared for. I love you. I hope to see you soon :) I wish you the best, so many great things are going to find your way. Happy new year 2024 ❤️ - #aftereffects #frozen #frozen2 #frozenedit #frozen2edit #disney #disneyedit #dreamworks #dreamworksedit #fyp #foryoupage #fledxts #riseoftheguardians #riseoftheguardiansedit #jackfrost #jackfrostedit #elsa #elsaedit