Mondays are Spelling Days! Gabe: “STARTING TO SEE HOW HARD IS BE ME” Today was one of the most difficult days for both myself and Gabe. I didn’t send him to school today. I knew he needed to be home based on some unusual behavior that has been going on. He is not willing to leave a certain area of the house, even to go to sleep at night. This is becoming a habit. At the beginning of Gabe’s session he chose to chat. Honestly, this is very difficult to share and I am doing so because I think I need support too. This is excruciating because I can’t do anything to make it better for him. Gabe spelled: “ANGRY” Then the most heartbreaking thing came next: “STARTING TO SEE HOW HARD IS BE ME” “SORE HEART” Caroline showed up at this point and we shared with Ingrid some of things going on at home. Mainly transitions. We asked him why he feels the need to stay in one place. We asked him if he’s feeling scared or anxious about something. Gabe spelled: “SORRY” “SCHOOL” We then talked about reasons someone might have these feelings about school, like maybe there is test coming up or something else that they are worried about. She recommended he see a therapist and we are on board. I hope he will start to feel more understood soon. I literally don’t know how much I can take on an emotional level lately. Ever since Gabe started spelling I’ve been experiencing a lot of feelings with such intensity. Im devastated, disturbed, excited, hopeful, hopeless. All at once! I’m basically crying a lot. This isn’t about me, but I need to get it together to help him. #autism #apraxia #nonspeaking #nonverbal #nonverbalautism #autismo #spelling #rpm #s2c #aac @nicolegottesmann