Why are people mad over others who want to buy a Stanley? Whether they are standing in line for hours, spending their money etc, why is it a problem for you? If it's not for you then just let it be. If it were your product/service that people were doing this for you wouldn't have a problem with it right? I keep seeing people say support small business instead of the large companies, but they weren't always large! They started somewhere and grew into a large business. Isn't that every current small business owners goal? To eventually grow into a larger business? Don't lie, no one goes into business to not make a profit, it's just how you do it that is different. Let 2024 be YOUR season, stop worrying about what other people are spending/doing and instead figure out how to make them look your way instead. #smallbusinessnowbutnotforever #focusonyourgoals #manifestyourdreams #rantover #buildingalegacy