Mom and her day with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I’ve said this before in the past, but my relationship and marriage with Jordan is a 100/100% effort from each of us. We both have jobs and both have responsibilities, but we always are there for each other and our boys. A lot of comments I see say, “where’s the mom?”… on my videos which I find a little ridiculous. I am so proud of my wife every single day. She pumps 6-7 times a day, works long hours, and still comes home and makes time for me and the boys. No matter what, we always make it work regardless of how difficult the situation is. We both were terrified when we found out we were having twins. Now we realize it’s been the biggest blessing in our lives and we’re so grateful. We won’t always have the solution to everything and we will make mistakes, but as long as we have each other we’ll be just fine. ❤️ #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #twinboys #momlife #dadlife