Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called identicaltwinboys. The music has now attracted more than 854 videos and 204.9M views. It is a very popular content. The following is videos that related to this music.
Evening chaos with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 If I were to sit here and say that every moment of parenting so far has been perfect, well then I’d be lying to you. Most days are difficult and hardly peaceful, but we have learned to make the best of our moments together as a family. Babies are going to cry, the house is going to be a mess, and my wife might get annoyed of my Dak Prescott impression. Regardless, every moment is worth it. ❤️ #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #reels #dadlife #parenting #identicaltwinboys
1 years_ago
Deep cleaning upstairs with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I have truly been humbled when it comes to doing more than a few things a day with these boys. Luka and Leo aren’t even crawling/walking yet, and I just know they’re going to be a couple of tornados. Pair them up with our pups and that’s the perfect storm waiting to happen. With spring here the dogs are starting to shed their winter coats. It seems like our entire house is coated with dog hair… especially the stairs. Cleaning the stairs and bathrooms are easily some of my least favorite things to do. I wasn’t able to do all of this quickly. The boys weren’t napping well and were having a rough day. What normally would take 1-2 hours max, took me an entire day to complete. If you’re a new parent and feel like you’re struggling I promise that you aren’t alone, every day is a challenge but we somehow always seem to get through it. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #parenting #dadlife #cleaning
11 months_ago
Going to the gym with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Well honestly this trip went better than I expected it to. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get a full workout in, but I just needed to get out of the house and enjoy some sun. The gym is a place I spend a good amount of my free time, and the boys are going to grow up in a gym setting. That doesn’t mean my boys have to workout like their dad, I just want to set the example if they ever choose to. Luka and Leo deserve to choose their paths, and as a dad it’s my responsibility to support them no matter what. Also, if the boys do choose sports/fitness they are going to have competition with their dad until I’m at least 60…. hopefully 😂 Also… shoutout to @fitdad__ for this sick diaper bag, I greatly appreciate it! #twins #twindad #parenting #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #reels #fitness #workout
1 years_ago
Stressful morning with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I enjoyed putting this video together more than others, because I felt like it displayed realistically how most mornings are. The boys didn’t sleep well, so I told Jordan to get some extra sleep because why should we both suffer? I didn’t feel like doing anything, but I am one of those people who constantly has to stay occupied or I’ll lose my mind. Everything seemed to frustrate me from the dogs, to the cries, to the chores… but I still stayed calm. That frustration doesn’t mean I’m not grateful for everything I have in my life, it just means some days are tougher than others… but we get through them. Tough days make me appreciate the great ones even more. I also recently started studying Japanese because for some reason I thought I needed another hobby 😅 #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #identicaltwins #reels
1 years_ago
Witching hours with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Usually 4-7 pm is always the most unpredictable time period for the boys. Luckily for me, this wake window wasn’t nearly as stressful as it sometimes can be. During this wake window we always try to get Luka and Leo as tired as possible so they’re ready for bed around 730. Also, I do not do snot, at all … I can change the most dirty diaper without a problem but the second I have to clean the boys nose I always direct it to Jordan. Unfortunately, she was working so I had to do it myself and try my best to not throw up. The boys thought it was hilarious while I was gagging my way through trying to suck the snot out of their nose. There truly isn’t anything more uplifting than seeing my boys giggle ❤️ #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #reels #parenting
1 years_ago
Full night routine with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I don’t think we will ever adjust to waking up every couple hours every night, but I do think we’ve become used to it. Everyone tells us that it will eventually get better, and I know that it will… but some nights you want to scream just as loud as the babies when you have to get out of bed. Jordan and I split up duties on night feeds whether it’s prepping bottles or changing both of the diapers. Although nights can be tough, the sun does rise in the morning and things will get better. ❤️ #twins #twinlife #twinboys #reels #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #weeksfam
1 years_ago
Surprise dinner for Jordan, with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 The boys and I took a little trip to the store so I could make my wife one of our favorite meals. Jordan worked this past weekend and I know that it can be difficult working long shifts, especially Saturday and Sunday. The sun was shining and the weather was decent, so I thought the boys and I would go grab the ingredients needed to make dinner. Thankfully the boys went down for bedtime easily and I had just enough time to get the food done before Jordan got home from work. I will always make it a point to put my marriage first. Simple gestures like making dinner or getting flowers is my way of showing my wife how much she means to me. Now that we have Leo and Luka we have to make it a point to make time for our marriage 🫶🏻 #twins #twinsboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #twinbabies
1 years_ago
Home workout with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 It’s been tough finding time to focus on things other than the boys these first couple months. Don’t get me wrong Jordan and I want to spend every moment we can with Leo and Luka, but thats not good for our mental health. I think it’s important to still have time to do things that we enjoy like working out, date nights, and time to ourselves. We have always agreed that we won’t put our marriage on the back burner just because we have kids. A strong healthy marriage will set the example for our boys and hopefully teach them to do the same with their lives. Although I just want to sleep non stop, I always feel so much batter after I get even a short workout in. I can’t wait for the day the boys ask to workout with me 🫶🏻 #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #twinbabies #parenting #dadlife #workout
1 years_ago
Morning wake window with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 It’s days like this where I realize just how quickly time is flying by. One day I’m holding two newborn babies… the next day I blink and I’m struggling to carry two, squirmy 3 month old babies down the stairs. I know that they aren’t going to remember any of this, but I think these early days will end up being my favorite. We will never get as much time with them in the future compared to now. The days can be long and challenging, but they are also rewarding. I was terrified to be a dad at first. The moment I saw my boys there wasn’t an ounce of fear left. I wouldn’t trade this life away for anything. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Cleaning the house with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Jordan wanted to take a nap so I figured I would tackle cleaning the downstairs while watching both of the boys. I’ve never been very good at taking naps so I usually just clean or do something productive instead. It’s important for me to be a good role model for my boys and the best way to do that is by being a good husband and father. I can’t believe how quickly Leo and Luka are growing and developing their own personalities in as little as 10 weeks. Sometimes when you are tired you just need to lay on the kitchen floor in silence for 10 mins. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Cleaning the house with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 The boys are all finally used to their wake window/nap schedule, which means I have a pretty good idea when I can do stuff around the house. I’m always most productive in the mornings, so I always get most of my daily tasks done early so I don’t have to worry about it the rest of the day. Having a clean house isn’t always possible, but it helps with our mental health. I can already tell that two toddlers and two dogs running around the house is going to be absolutely chaos, but I honestly can’t wait for it. Who I really feel for is my wife who is going to be surrounded by FIVE boys 😅 We’re going to just keep taking it one day at a time. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Deep cleaning with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 It’s not easy entertaining two 4 month old babies who are learning new things everyday… It’s also not easy keeping a house clean with two babies and two dogs, but we certainly try our best. I think it’s important to take care of what’s yours, whether that’s your family, house, or yourself. Cleaning is almost like therapy to me and I always feel better when the house is clean. One of the things I’m grateful for is that @jord_weeks and I pick up the slack when one of us needs it. We communicate and take care of each other no matter what. After almost 9 years together we have learned a lot, and I’m so lucky that I have her in my life. I don’t see cleaning as a “chore. I simply enjoy taking care of my family and doing what is needed to be done. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels
11 months_ago
Let The Potty Training Begin🧑🏽‍🦱🚽🧻💙#pottytraininingmama #pottytrainingtwins #toddlertwins #toddlertwinmom #pottytrainingmusthaves #momcontentcreator #momcontent #contentformoms #toddlertok #diditwins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #boytwins #momof2 #momsoftiktokclub #momofboys #boymomlife
1 years_ago
Valentine’s Day with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Usually, I have Valentine’s Day planned out weeks in advance… but with two newborns there hasn’t been much time to plan. So, I left my morning workout early to get to the store right when they opened to make sure I still could surprise Jordan. I know flowers and chocolate is a little cheesy, but that’s how I’ve always been… cheesy. I try to make sure there are always fresh flowers in the house and write letters to Jordan whenever I get the chance. Hopefully I can pass along some of these things to Luka and Leo. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #reels #parenting #dadlife #valentiensday
1 years_ago
Full night with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I would’ve thought by now we’d be used to being sleep deprived, I guess I was wrong 😂 Getting two babies to sleep through the night at the same exact time is a pretty difficult task. If one of the boys wakes up, we always get the other up as well to keep their schedules and feeds on track. We’re starting to creep up on that 4 month sleep regression everyone has been warning us about. The boys have also been promoted to having their arms out of their swaddles during the night which hasn’t been the easiest. Some nights I feel like a total zombie. I cannot tell you how many times my wife has said something to me in the morning from overnight that I have no memory of saying. We know the boys will EVENTUALLY sleep through the night, I promise that I will celebrate it like New Year’s Day when it does! #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels #newdads
1 years_ago
Mom’s first day back to work! Jordan leaves for work around 6 am and usually doesn’t get home until 8 pm… so about 12-14 hours. I knew it was going to be a rough day for her leaving all of her boys at home to go back to work. The day was filled with lots of feedings, playtime, stories, naps, and even bath time. Something I thrive on is routine, and the boys seem to do better with it as well. I know it’s just the first day of many, but never once was I worried or concerned about watching my boys by myself. These boys deserve two capable parents who equally give them 100% every day. #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Morning wake window with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 (7 AM - 815 AM) Mornings have become a lot more manageable recently since we started a schedule with the boys. Regardless of how much sleep the boys or we have had, we always wake them up for a feed at 7 AM. My new favorite part of my day is seeing the boys smiles as soon as they start to wake up. The boys are starting to mimic our facial expressions and give their best impression of talking back to us. Usually during this wake window we eat breakfast, and entertain the boys until their nap. The wake windows don’t always go to plan, but it’s nice to have a sense of normalcy and a schedule again. 🙂 #twins #identicalteins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #reels #dadlife #parenting #weekstwinfam
1 years_ago
Giving the dogs a bath with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 We finally had a warmer day, so for some reason I thought it was a good idea to wash the dogs in the back yard. This task is always chaos because Rogue loves water and just wants to play in it the entire time… while Apollo hates water and runs away every chance he gets. He somehow managed to get through the screen door while he was soaking wet. This video only shows a glimpse into how difficult this process can be, but they really needed a bath. 😅 I can say that we are really looking forward to Spring weather, and more opportunities to get the family outside! #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels
1 years_ago
Free time & trip to park with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Since the boys were born in the middle of winter, we have had very little opportunities to get out with them. Thankfully this past week had a few warmer days and we were able to load the whole family up and take a quick trip to the park for a walk. My wife and I still have been able to find little moments to have some one-on-one time and do some of the things we enjoy. I know we’re all looking forward to warmer weather and sunnier days ahead ☀️ #twins #twinboys #dadlife #reels #parenting #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys
1 years_ago
Trip to the park with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 The weather is FINALLY starting to warm up, and we took the opportunity to get out of the house with the boys although this day was pretty grey and windy. I’ve quickly realized that leaving the house is an entire dilemma on its own. I now can understand why people with kids are late to places most of the time. Even when you think everything is going to plan, I almost always forget something. Another thing I realized is that I do not have enough space in my car for my wife, two boys, and two dogs 😅. With the boys getting bigger, our @wonderfold wagon is perfect for trips and packing everything we need for a long day out. The boys really enjoyed being nice and cozy on our walk through the park. I’ve come to the conclusion that a car upgrade might be in our near future, so let me know in the comments your favorite family vehicle. Use code: Weeksfam or the link in my bio to get your own wagon! #WonderFoldPartner #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #parenting #dadlife
11 months_ago
Mom and her day with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I’ve said this before in the past, but my relationship and marriage with Jordan is a 100/100% effort from each of us. We both have jobs and both have responsibilities, but we always are there for each other and our boys. A lot of comments I see say, “where’s the mom?”… on my videos which I find a little ridiculous. I am so proud of my wife every single day. She pumps 6-7 times a day, works long hours, and still comes home and makes time for me and the boys. No matter what, we always make it work regardless of how difficult the situation is. We both were terrified when we found out we were having twins. Now we realize it’s been the biggest blessing in our lives and we’re so grateful. We won’t always have the solution to everything and we will make mistakes, but as long as we have each other we’ll be just fine. ❤️ #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #twinboys #momlife #dadlife
1 years_ago
Baby talk and cooing with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Believe it or not I was having a pretty rough day with the boys while mom was at work. I didn’t even want to set up the tripod to record anything. Then, I sat the boys up for a little story time and man am I glad I ended up recording. Moments like these make all of it worth it. Seeing them smile and giggle at the most simple things made my day. Each time I blink it seems like Luka and Leo learn something new and it’s truly amazing. I’m so grateful that I get to be their dad. 🫶🏻 #twins #twindad #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels #twinboys
1 years_ago
Trip to doctor with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Nobody likes going to the doctor, even if you’re an infant 😅. Now that the boys are old enough to get shots, I think I get more nervous to go to their appointments than my own. As a parent, there is nothing you hate more than seeing your children in pain. I can’t even watch them get their shots because they go from happy smiley boys, to a couple sad boys almost instantly. I make it a goal to always be at every appointment that the boys have, I didn’t miss a single one through Jordan’s pregnancy, which we had A LOT. Both Leo and Luka are growing and are hitting all of their milestones, which we are so grateful for. Premature twins don’t always have it easy so we know just how lucky we are to have two healthy boys! #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
11 months_ago
MashAllah ❤️ #‎اَعُوْذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ ، وَهَامَّةٍ ، وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ . . . . #cut #cute #independenceday #baby #love #trending #viral #viralvideos #reels #video #twins #twindiaries #born2020 #bestfriends #bestfriendsforever #twinturbo #twinings #twinlife #twinbabies #twinsofinstagram #togetherforever #together #twinlifeisthebestlife #twinflames #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #mamasboy #trending #trendingreels #mother sistrology #areeb #areebpervaiz #iqrakanwal #imrankhan #pti #loveyou #trending #chocolate #tiktok
1 years_ago
First date night WITHOUT our identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 After about 10 weeks of a couple small dates here and there, we finally got a big night out to ourselves. We figured we’d get all dressed up for our date and go to an event we were invited to. Jordan and I will always make it our priority to put our marriage first so that our boys have a healthy marriage to look up to. On our date I got to teach Jordan how to play black jack and it ended up being a ton of fun. Also, excuse my language at the end of the video I just am genuinely blown away every time I look at my wife 😍 #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels
1 years_ago
Golden hour cleaning with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Honestly, I don’t know how it’s possible to be more exhausted than we have been recently. Being a new parent is tough, being a new parent to two is even tougher. Trying to find a perfect balance between all of your responsibilities seems nearly impossible. Nobody ever said it was easy, and I’m well aware of that. I just want all of you new/soon to be parents to know that it’s okay to feel like you’re failing. You’re allowed to feel like everything in your life is falling apart. My videos may make it seem like I’ve got all of this figured out, but I can guarantee that is not the case. We have some really tough days around here. Keeping things tidy helps both mine and my wife’s mental health. We try to spend 15-20 minutes a day cleaning up that way the tasks never pile up. When the sun is shining in, we can really notice all of the spots we might have missed. We always joke around that if we didn’t have our dogs, our house would be spotless 😂 We wouldn’t trade them for the world though! I genuinely feel like it’s important to keep things real on social media, because most of the time it’s not. #twins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #identicaltwins #parenting #dadlife #reels #cleaning #goldenretriever
11 months_ago
Morning routine/feed with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 My wife and I usually eat the same breakfast every morning, which means we got through about 35-40 eggs A WEEK. Thankfully, we have friends/family with chicken coops so we get a ton of organic eggs for free or a reduced cost. We try our best to eat healthy, and set a good example for our boys… but that doesn’t mean we don’t get the occasional take out or order food because we’re just too tired to make anything. We think it’s important to set good examples for the boys whether it’s our diets, exercise, or our marriage. ❤️ #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinlife #parenting #dadlife #reels #weekstwinfam
1 years_ago
Tummy time with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I should’ve known saying “you don’t feel good huh buddy?” would lead to a spit up 😅 One thing that we’re concerned about as parents is baby proofing our house the best we can for two growing boys. I grew up with a brother similar in age and I know how destructive two boys can be on their own. We are not in the season of having a kitchen table at this time and decided to put the boys play pen in its place. Shoutout to @houseofnoa_ for this awesome play mat that will provide a safe and easy to clean space for our boys. With our hardwood floors it was important that we had a mat that would protect the boys if they were to fall. We can’t wait to continue to add to this space as the boys grow. #twins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #identicaltwins #dadlife #parenting
1 years_ago
First time trying baby food with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 We decided to try making our own baby food with some carrots and breast milk. Surprisingly, the boys did much better with it than we thought they would. After a couple of strange faces, Leo and Luka really seemed interested in the carrot puree. I know that I won’t be able to be there for every milestone that the boys will hit, but I make it a priority to be there as much as I can. My mind honestly can’t comprehend how it seems like just yesterday I was holding two newborn babies… and now they’re already trying food for the first time. I think the lack of sleep contributes to it, but I feel like time is just absolutely flying by and I wish it would stop. If you want me to show you how we made their food let me know in the comments and I will post it to my story! #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #twin #reels
11 months_ago
Mornings together with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Usually, days start for us around 4:30 AM. Whether it’s my wife getting ready for work or me heading to the gym for a workout, we are always up early. My favorite mornings are the ones we both get to spend together with the boys. The boys are really starting to get their voices and figure out that they can use their hands to grab things. The boys are almost 4 months old now, which means sleep regressions, teething, and many more challenges are ahead. We will get through it together, one day at a time 🫶🏻 #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #parenting #reels #dadlife
12 months_ago
Evening chaos with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 If I were to sit here and say that every moment of parenting so far has been perfect, well then I’d be lying to you. Most days are difficult and hardly peaceful, but we have learned to make the best of our moments together as a family. Babies are going to cry, the house is going to be a mess, and my wife might get annoyed of my Dak Prescott impression. Regardless, every moment is worth it. ❤️ #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #reels #dadlife #parenting #identicaltwinboys
1 years_ago
Deep cleaning upstairs with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I have truly been humbled when it comes to doing more than a few things a day with these boys. Luka and Leo aren’t even crawling/walking yet, and I just know they’re going to be a couple of tornados. Pair them up with our pups and that’s the perfect storm waiting to happen. With spring here the dogs are starting to shed their winter coats. It seems like our entire house is coated with dog hair… especially the stairs. Cleaning the stairs and bathrooms are easily some of my least favorite things to do. I wasn’t able to do all of this quickly. The boys weren’t napping well and were having a rough day. What normally would take 1-2 hours max, took me an entire day to complete. If you’re a new parent and feel like you’re struggling I promise that you aren’t alone, every day is a challenge but we somehow always seem to get through it. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #parenting #dadlife #cleaning
11 months_ago
Going to the gym with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Well honestly this trip went better than I expected it to. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get a full workout in, but I just needed to get out of the house and enjoy some sun. The gym is a place I spend a good amount of my free time, and the boys are going to grow up in a gym setting. That doesn’t mean my boys have to workout like their dad, I just want to set the example if they ever choose to. Luka and Leo deserve to choose their paths, and as a dad it’s my responsibility to support them no matter what. Also, if the boys do choose sports/fitness they are going to have competition with their dad until I’m at least 60…. hopefully 😂 Also… shoutout to @fitdad__ for this sick diaper bag, I greatly appreciate it! #twins #twindad #parenting #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #reels #fitness #workout
1 years_ago
Stressful morning with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I enjoyed putting this video together more than others, because I felt like it displayed realistically how most mornings are. The boys didn’t sleep well, so I told Jordan to get some extra sleep because why should we both suffer? I didn’t feel like doing anything, but I am one of those people who constantly has to stay occupied or I’ll lose my mind. Everything seemed to frustrate me from the dogs, to the cries, to the chores… but I still stayed calm. That frustration doesn’t mean I’m not grateful for everything I have in my life, it just means some days are tougher than others… but we get through them. Tough days make me appreciate the great ones even more. I also recently started studying Japanese because for some reason I thought I needed another hobby 😅 #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #identicaltwins #reels
1 years_ago
Witching hours with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Usually 4-7 pm is always the most unpredictable time period for the boys. Luckily for me, this wake window wasn’t nearly as stressful as it sometimes can be. During this wake window we always try to get Luka and Leo as tired as possible so they’re ready for bed around 730. Also, I do not do snot, at all … I can change the most dirty diaper without a problem but the second I have to clean the boys nose I always direct it to Jordan. Unfortunately, she was working so I had to do it myself and try my best to not throw up. The boys thought it was hilarious while I was gagging my way through trying to suck the snot out of their nose. There truly isn’t anything more uplifting than seeing my boys giggle ❤️ #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #reels #parenting
1 years_ago
Full night routine with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I don’t think we will ever adjust to waking up every couple hours every night, but I do think we’ve become used to it. Everyone tells us that it will eventually get better, and I know that it will… but some nights you want to scream just as loud as the babies when you have to get out of bed. Jordan and I split up duties on night feeds whether it’s prepping bottles or changing both of the diapers. Although nights can be tough, the sun does rise in the morning and things will get better. ❤️ #twins #twinlife #twinboys #reels #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #weeksfam
1 years_ago
Surprise dinner for Jordan, with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 The boys and I took a little trip to the store so I could make my wife one of our favorite meals. Jordan worked this past weekend and I know that it can be difficult working long shifts, especially Saturday and Sunday. The sun was shining and the weather was decent, so I thought the boys and I would go grab the ingredients needed to make dinner. Thankfully the boys went down for bedtime easily and I had just enough time to get the food done before Jordan got home from work. I will always make it a point to put my marriage first. Simple gestures like making dinner or getting flowers is my way of showing my wife how much she means to me. Now that we have Leo and Luka we have to make it a point to make time for our marriage 🫶🏻 #twins #twinsboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #twinbabies
1 years_ago
Home workout with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 It’s been tough finding time to focus on things other than the boys these first couple months. Don’t get me wrong Jordan and I want to spend every moment we can with Leo and Luka, but thats not good for our mental health. I think it’s important to still have time to do things that we enjoy like working out, date nights, and time to ourselves. We have always agreed that we won’t put our marriage on the back burner just because we have kids. A strong healthy marriage will set the example for our boys and hopefully teach them to do the same with their lives. Although I just want to sleep non stop, I always feel so much batter after I get even a short workout in. I can’t wait for the day the boys ask to workout with me 🫶🏻 #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #twinbabies #parenting #dadlife #workout
1 years_ago
Morning wake window with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 It’s days like this where I realize just how quickly time is flying by. One day I’m holding two newborn babies… the next day I blink and I’m struggling to carry two, squirmy 3 month old babies down the stairs. I know that they aren’t going to remember any of this, but I think these early days will end up being my favorite. We will never get as much time with them in the future compared to now. The days can be long and challenging, but they are also rewarding. I was terrified to be a dad at first. The moment I saw my boys there wasn’t an ounce of fear left. I wouldn’t trade this life away for anything. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Cleaning the house with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Jordan wanted to take a nap so I figured I would tackle cleaning the downstairs while watching both of the boys. I’ve never been very good at taking naps so I usually just clean or do something productive instead. It’s important for me to be a good role model for my boys and the best way to do that is by being a good husband and father. I can’t believe how quickly Leo and Luka are growing and developing their own personalities in as little as 10 weeks. Sometimes when you are tired you just need to lay on the kitchen floor in silence for 10 mins. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Cleaning the house with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 The boys are all finally used to their wake window/nap schedule, which means I have a pretty good idea when I can do stuff around the house. I’m always most productive in the mornings, so I always get most of my daily tasks done early so I don’t have to worry about it the rest of the day. Having a clean house isn’t always possible, but it helps with our mental health. I can already tell that two toddlers and two dogs running around the house is going to be absolutely chaos, but I honestly can’t wait for it. Who I really feel for is my wife who is going to be surrounded by FIVE boys 😅 We’re going to just keep taking it one day at a time. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Deep cleaning with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 It’s not easy entertaining two 4 month old babies who are learning new things everyday… It’s also not easy keeping a house clean with two babies and two dogs, but we certainly try our best. I think it’s important to take care of what’s yours, whether that’s your family, house, or yourself. Cleaning is almost like therapy to me and I always feel better when the house is clean. One of the things I’m grateful for is that @jord_weeks and I pick up the slack when one of us needs it. We communicate and take care of each other no matter what. After almost 9 years together we have learned a lot, and I’m so lucky that I have her in my life. I don’t see cleaning as a “chore. I simply enjoy taking care of my family and doing what is needed to be done. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels
11 months_ago
Let The Potty Training Begin🧑🏽‍🦱🚽🧻💙#pottytraininingmama #pottytrainingtwins #toddlertwins #toddlertwinmom #pottytrainingmusthaves #momcontentcreator #momcontent #contentformoms #toddlertok #diditwins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #boytwins #momof2 #momsoftiktokclub #momofboys #boymomlife
1 years_ago
Valentine’s Day with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Usually, I have Valentine’s Day planned out weeks in advance… but with two newborns there hasn’t been much time to plan. So, I left my morning workout early to get to the store right when they opened to make sure I still could surprise Jordan. I know flowers and chocolate is a little cheesy, but that’s how I’ve always been… cheesy. I try to make sure there are always fresh flowers in the house and write letters to Jordan whenever I get the chance. Hopefully I can pass along some of these things to Luka and Leo. #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #reels #parenting #dadlife #valentiensday
1 years_ago
Full night with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I would’ve thought by now we’d be used to being sleep deprived, I guess I was wrong 😂 Getting two babies to sleep through the night at the same exact time is a pretty difficult task. If one of the boys wakes up, we always get the other up as well to keep their schedules and feeds on track. We’re starting to creep up on that 4 month sleep regression everyone has been warning us about. The boys have also been promoted to having their arms out of their swaddles during the night which hasn’t been the easiest. Some nights I feel like a total zombie. I cannot tell you how many times my wife has said something to me in the morning from overnight that I have no memory of saying. We know the boys will EVENTUALLY sleep through the night, I promise that I will celebrate it like New Year’s Day when it does! #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels #newdads
1 years_ago
Mom’s first day back to work! Jordan leaves for work around 6 am and usually doesn’t get home until 8 pm… so about 12-14 hours. I knew it was going to be a rough day for her leaving all of her boys at home to go back to work. The day was filled with lots of feedings, playtime, stories, naps, and even bath time. Something I thrive on is routine, and the boys seem to do better with it as well. I know it’s just the first day of many, but never once was I worried or concerned about watching my boys by myself. These boys deserve two capable parents who equally give them 100% every day. #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
1 years_ago
Morning wake window with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 (7 AM - 815 AM) Mornings have become a lot more manageable recently since we started a schedule with the boys. Regardless of how much sleep the boys or we have had, we always wake them up for a feed at 7 AM. My new favorite part of my day is seeing the boys smiles as soon as they start to wake up. The boys are starting to mimic our facial expressions and give their best impression of talking back to us. Usually during this wake window we eat breakfast, and entertain the boys until their nap. The wake windows don’t always go to plan, but it’s nice to have a sense of normalcy and a schedule again. 🙂 #twins #identicalteins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #reels #dadlife #parenting #weekstwinfam
1 years_ago
Giving the dogs a bath with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 We finally had a warmer day, so for some reason I thought it was a good idea to wash the dogs in the back yard. This task is always chaos because Rogue loves water and just wants to play in it the entire time… while Apollo hates water and runs away every chance he gets. He somehow managed to get through the screen door while he was soaking wet. This video only shows a glimpse into how difficult this process can be, but they really needed a bath. 😅 I can say that we are really looking forward to Spring weather, and more opportunities to get the family outside! #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels
1 years_ago
Free time & trip to park with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Since the boys were born in the middle of winter, we have had very little opportunities to get out with them. Thankfully this past week had a few warmer days and we were able to load the whole family up and take a quick trip to the park for a walk. My wife and I still have been able to find little moments to have some one-on-one time and do some of the things we enjoy. I know we’re all looking forward to warmer weather and sunnier days ahead ☀️ #twins #twinboys #dadlife #reels #parenting #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys
1 years_ago
Trip to the park with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 The weather is FINALLY starting to warm up, and we took the opportunity to get out of the house with the boys although this day was pretty grey and windy. I’ve quickly realized that leaving the house is an entire dilemma on its own. I now can understand why people with kids are late to places most of the time. Even when you think everything is going to plan, I almost always forget something. Another thing I realized is that I do not have enough space in my car for my wife, two boys, and two dogs 😅. With the boys getting bigger, our @wonderfold wagon is perfect for trips and packing everything we need for a long day out. The boys really enjoyed being nice and cozy on our walk through the park. I’ve come to the conclusion that a car upgrade might be in our near future, so let me know in the comments your favorite family vehicle. Use code: Weeksfam or the link in my bio to get your own wagon! #WonderFoldPartner #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #parenting #dadlife
11 months_ago
Mom and her day with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I’ve said this before in the past, but my relationship and marriage with Jordan is a 100/100% effort from each of us. We both have jobs and both have responsibilities, but we always are there for each other and our boys. A lot of comments I see say, “where’s the mom?”… on my videos which I find a little ridiculous. I am so proud of my wife every single day. She pumps 6-7 times a day, works long hours, and still comes home and makes time for me and the boys. No matter what, we always make it work regardless of how difficult the situation is. We both were terrified when we found out we were having twins. Now we realize it’s been the biggest blessing in our lives and we’re so grateful. We won’t always have the solution to everything and we will make mistakes, but as long as we have each other we’ll be just fine. ❤️ #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #twinboys #momlife #dadlife
1 years_ago
Baby talk and cooing with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Believe it or not I was having a pretty rough day with the boys while mom was at work. I didn’t even want to set up the tripod to record anything. Then, I sat the boys up for a little story time and man am I glad I ended up recording. Moments like these make all of it worth it. Seeing them smile and giggle at the most simple things made my day. Each time I blink it seems like Luka and Leo learn something new and it’s truly amazing. I’m so grateful that I get to be their dad. 🫶🏻 #twins #twindad #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels #twinboys
1 years_ago
Trip to doctor with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Nobody likes going to the doctor, even if you’re an infant 😅. Now that the boys are old enough to get shots, I think I get more nervous to go to their appointments than my own. As a parent, there is nothing you hate more than seeing your children in pain. I can’t even watch them get their shots because they go from happy smiley boys, to a couple sad boys almost instantly. I make it a goal to always be at every appointment that the boys have, I didn’t miss a single one through Jordan’s pregnancy, which we had A LOT. Both Leo and Luka are growing and are hitting all of their milestones, which we are so grateful for. Premature twins don’t always have it easy so we know just how lucky we are to have two healthy boys! #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #reels
11 months_ago
MashAllah ❤️ #‎اَعُوْذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ ، وَهَامَّةٍ ، وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ . . . . #cut #cute #independenceday #baby #love #trending #viral #viralvideos #reels #video #twins #twindiaries #born2020 #bestfriends #bestfriendsforever #twinturbo #twinings #twinlife #twinbabies #twinsofinstagram #togetherforever #together #twinlifeisthebestlife #twinflames #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #mamasboy #trending #trendingreels #mother sistrology #areeb #areebpervaiz #iqrakanwal #imrankhan #pti #loveyou #trending #chocolate #tiktok
1 years_ago
First date night WITHOUT our identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 After about 10 weeks of a couple small dates here and there, we finally got a big night out to ourselves. We figured we’d get all dressed up for our date and go to an event we were invited to. Jordan and I will always make it our priority to put our marriage first so that our boys have a healthy marriage to look up to. On our date I got to teach Jordan how to play black jack and it ended up being a ton of fun. Also, excuse my language at the end of the video I just am genuinely blown away every time I look at my wife 😍 #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #parenting #dadlife #reels
1 years_ago
Golden hour cleaning with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Honestly, I don’t know how it’s possible to be more exhausted than we have been recently. Being a new parent is tough, being a new parent to two is even tougher. Trying to find a perfect balance between all of your responsibilities seems nearly impossible. Nobody ever said it was easy, and I’m well aware of that. I just want all of you new/soon to be parents to know that it’s okay to feel like you’re failing. You’re allowed to feel like everything in your life is falling apart. My videos may make it seem like I’ve got all of this figured out, but I can guarantee that is not the case. We have some really tough days around here. Keeping things tidy helps both mine and my wife’s mental health. We try to spend 15-20 minutes a day cleaning up that way the tasks never pile up. When the sun is shining in, we can really notice all of the spots we might have missed. We always joke around that if we didn’t have our dogs, our house would be spotless 😂 We wouldn’t trade them for the world though! I genuinely feel like it’s important to keep things real on social media, because most of the time it’s not. #twins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #identicaltwins #parenting #dadlife #reels #cleaning #goldenretriever
11 months_ago
Morning routine/feed with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 My wife and I usually eat the same breakfast every morning, which means we got through about 35-40 eggs A WEEK. Thankfully, we have friends/family with chicken coops so we get a ton of organic eggs for free or a reduced cost. We try our best to eat healthy, and set a good example for our boys… but that doesn’t mean we don’t get the occasional take out or order food because we’re just too tired to make anything. We think it’s important to set good examples for the boys whether it’s our diets, exercise, or our marriage. ❤️ #twins #twinboys #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinlife #parenting #dadlife #reels #weekstwinfam
1 years_ago
Tummy time with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 I should’ve known saying “you don’t feel good huh buddy?” would lead to a spit up 😅 One thing that we’re concerned about as parents is baby proofing our house the best we can for two growing boys. I grew up with a brother similar in age and I know how destructive two boys can be on their own. We are not in the season of having a kitchen table at this time and decided to put the boys play pen in its place. Shoutout to @houseofnoa_ for this awesome play mat that will provide a safe and easy to clean space for our boys. With our hardwood floors it was important that we had a mat that would protect the boys if they were to fall. We can’t wait to continue to add to this space as the boys grow. #twins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #identicaltwins #dadlife #parenting
1 years_ago
First time trying baby food with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 We decided to try making our own baby food with some carrots and breast milk. Surprisingly, the boys did much better with it than we thought they would. After a couple of strange faces, Leo and Luka really seemed interested in the carrot puree. I know that I won’t be able to be there for every milestone that the boys will hit, but I make it a priority to be there as much as I can. My mind honestly can’t comprehend how it seems like just yesterday I was holding two newborn babies… and now they’re already trying food for the first time. I think the lack of sleep contributes to it, but I feel like time is just absolutely flying by and I wish it would stop. If you want me to show you how we made their food let me know in the comments and I will post it to my story! #twins #identicaltwins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #dadlife #parenting #twin #reels
11 months_ago
Mornings together with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Usually, days start for us around 4:30 AM. Whether it’s my wife getting ready for work or me heading to the gym for a workout, we are always up early. My favorite mornings are the ones we both get to spend together with the boys. The boys are really starting to get their voices and figure out that they can use their hands to grab things. The boys are almost 4 months old now, which means sleep regressions, teething, and many more challenges are ahead. We will get through it together, one day at a time 🫶🏻 #twins #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #parenting #reels #dadlife
12 months_ago