Going to the gym with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 Well honestly this trip went better than I expected it to. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get a full workout in, but I just needed to get out of the house and enjoy some sun. The gym is a place I spend a good amount of my free time, and the boys are going to grow up in a gym setting. That doesn’t mean my boys have to workout like their dad, I just want to set the example if they ever choose to. Luka and Leo deserve to choose their paths, and as a dad it’s my responsibility to support them no matter what. Also, if the boys do choose sports/fitness they are going to have competition with their dad until I’m at least 60…. hopefully 😂 Also… shoutout to @fitdad__ for this sick diaper bag, I greatly appreciate it! #twins #twindad #parenting #identicaltwins #identicaltwinboys #twinboys #reels #fitness #workout