No more WASTING your time in the gym trying to get a 6-Pack, okay?! 👀 Instead of doing a bunch of random core exercises, focus on THIS for a shredded core👇🏼 ✅Quality > Quantity No need to do 1,000 reps and crazy ab circuits that are just going to get you hurt. Instead stick to the basics for high quality reps. Results are in the boring work, not the fancy stuff. ✅Focus on breathing. When doing your ab exercises breathing is most important. It’s important to inhale on the stretch, and exhale all of your air on the contraction. The better contraction you get the better results you will get. Exhale all of your air for the best contraction in your abs. ✅Slow down the movement. Muscle growth comes from mechanical tension on the targeted muscle group. The longer the muscle is under tension for the more muscle you will build in your abs. Flailing your body around in an ab circuit will probably give little to NO TENSION. Control the eccentric (stretching) part of the movement and watch how much better you feel your abs. ✅Add some weight. Your biceps don’t grow from curling the air, and you should treat your abs the same. Once you’re able to perform 20 reps without weight, it’s time to start adding weight for your ab exercises. 🙌🏼Do 3 sets of 15-20, twice per week and watch your abs pop! SIKEEEE! Nothing will show if your diet is crap! You gotta make sure you’re eating the RIGHT diet to reveal them🤫 If you want my ebook on the best diet for fat loss comment “FAT LOSS” 👇🏼 & I’ll send it your way!🔥 #sixpack #summerbody #bellyfatworkout