E-BRAKE ➕️ ACCELERATOR = ⬆️ | This is the most common way I see horses start rearing... being pushed/kicked/spanked... when they already have the emergency brake on (front feet planted). It's very difficult to push a horse like this straight forward...at its worst, it's a recipe for disaster... at it's best, you have to apply more pressure than needed and create more anxiety in that sticky spot. Its easier (= less pressure) to take them to the side, which shifts their weight. Most often, they'll just walk off like they hadn't just been buffering and you can get back to it. If you have a reactive horse... do it almost immediately. Now this mare is to the point where I keep asking her for a while, then step to the side if she can't unstuck herself. Over time, I just see the issue fade away, because we haven't fed that anxiety by making it a big deal. . . . . . . . . . . . . #horsesoftiktok #horsetraining #reactivehorse #rearinghorse #problemhorse #misunderstoodhorse #reininghorse #cowgirlcheck #clickertraininghorses