It’s my newborn daughter’s first Halloween, and I had all of these costume ideas, but then I got a litttllleeee busy with an unplanned surgery and hospital stay, and ran out of time! I needed a quick, last minute costume, so I found a teddybear onsie on Amazon and decided to turn her into a Beanie Baby! I found felt at @Hobby Lobby and worked my magic to create the Beanie Baby tag. So easy, so cute, and so fun to say that I handmade her first Halloween costume 🧸 • #handpainted #customartist #custom #freehandartist #beaniebaby #diyhalloweencostumes #diyhalloween #newborn #babycostume #babyhalloween #babysfirsthalloween #girlmom #sahm #firsttimemom #diymom #felting #feltcraft