If you’re struggling with persistent skin redness/inflamation from acne or perioral dermatitis, try topical azelaic acid. I was very hesitant to try prescription AA because I have tried over the counter AA’s and they didnt seem to do much for me. But this 15% azelaic acid prescription I got from my dermatologist has blown me away in just a few days. I already notice my skin looks less red, pimple lesions are smaller and less inflamed! HOW AZELAIC ACID WORKS: Azelaic acid is not considered an antibiotic in the classical sense, but it has a predominant antibacterial action. It helps to kill the p. Acnes bacteria to causes acne and has strong anti-inflammatory properties to it. It also helps to keep pores clear by encouraging light exfoliation. *Because it’s naturally present in wheat/rye/barley, it is safe for acne treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding. (NIH) If you want to try azealic acid in an over the counter form here are a few with a 10% formulation. - The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension 10% $12 - Naturium Azelaic Topical Acid 10% $20 - Paula’s Choice 10% Azelaic Acid Booster $12 #acnetreatment #acneskin #acnescars #acne #perioraldermatitis #azelaicacid #skincare #serum #moisturizer #dermatitis #acneproneskin #acneskincare