Our next challenge starts on 3/11! If you want to start prepping for the challenge, join Fit with Coco and follow the weekly workout schedule! There are programs for everyone on Fit with Coco, and we progress as we improve in order to build strength, drop fat, and see results. Start one of our Beginner programs today if you’re just getting started with strength & pilates or just getting back into your fitness routine after a break! Membership includes: ❤️🔥 Access to all programs/challenges ❤️🔥 Access to a full on-demand library with a variety of class types ❤️🔥 Nutrition guides created by our lead nutrition specialist Corina Medford ❤️🔥 Weekly coach check ins with me ❤️🔥 Member chat to connect with me & other members ❤️🔥 Access to guided meditations This is so much more than a daily workout - because results come when we are consistent with not only our workouts but with our nutrition, sleep, mindfulness, and so much more 🫶 #marchchallenge #newmonthnewgoals #newmonthnewme #getinshapewithme #dailyfitnessmotivationforyou #dailyworkoutmotivation #getinshapetoday #pilates #pilatesprincess #comboworkout #combomoves