Wine lovers rejoice! 🍷 Our organic, preservative free and carbon neutral wines are on promotion – 15% off ALL wines plus get a FREE festive kombucha bag (worth $6.50)! All wines are exclusive to all Scoop Wholefoods Stores and online. Promotion valid from 14th November till 1st January 2023, while stocks last. From the creators of organic, preservative free and carbon neutral wines from South Australia, Scoop Wholefoods is proud to introduce a wide variety of 20 types of organic wine for your wine pairing needs. FOR A LIMITED PERIOD ONLY. Get yours today! #scoopwholefoods #scoopwholefoods_sg #ourhealthourplanet #eatorganic #chooseorganic #organicsg #veganfood #glutenfreefood #wholefood #zerowaste #cleanplanet #plasticfree #breakfreefromplastic #ecofriendly #sustainablesg #zerowastesg #bulkfoods #bulkwholefoods #bulkwholefoodssg #bulkwholefoodsstore #healthysg #healthyeatingsg #wine #redwine #sale #discount