The sacroiliac joint (SI joint) is a long joint, 1.5” from top to bottom, and one is on each side of the sacrum. A misaligned SI joint can cause ligament strain and bone irritation, which can be sharp, stabbing, and sometimes radiating down the glute but not beyond the top of the hamstring. 😳🫣 Here’s a partner trigger point massage to release the joint, and then we’ll get into common root causes below. 👇 1. Lie your partner face down on the stomach
2. Grab their right ankle and bend their knee to 90 degrees
3. Feel for the big bump (PSIS)
4. Use your thumb and ski down the inside slope until you reached the bottom - you are now in the top 1/3 of the SI joint.
5. Apply strong pressure in the joint while pulling the foot away from them (thigh external rotation.
6. Repeat this process up and down the entire length of the joint.
As I write this, I realize how advanced this is - very advanced. The pressure I apply is the maximum that I am able to apply, and considering my size, that's saying something. My assumption is that my PTs, chiropractors, and massage therapists out there get it or already know it; additionally, trainers with decent manual therapy skills can figure it out too. If you're looking for long term relief, it's essential to fix the over extension misalignment of your lower spine. By reducing pressure on the joint, you can learn and train this in the MoveU App through the Back & Core and Hips & Glutes Programs. Click the link in bio and start your free trial! 🔥💪 #sijointpain #sijoint #partnermassage #massage #chiros #Moveu