I know every tumbling Coach in the world has been hit with the line “just stand there” and we rolled our eyes because we KNOW our athlete doesn’t need us…they just want us. 🙄 I’ve been called magical many a time because, for whatever reason, when I’m around an athlete they will throw their skill. I used to be perplexed about the issue. In my evening reflection, however, I had a lightbulb moment. When someone who believes in you stands next to you, you feel empowered. It’s not just tumbling, it’s human nature. “We all need somebody to lean on” says the song. So, from here on out, I will stop teasing people who say “Just stand there.” My new aim is to help athletes recognize that their empowerment lies within. And no matter where I “just stand,” I will never lose my belief in them. #MindFull #TumbleDoctor #LetsEat #Cheerleading #TMC #FYP