📚 It's storytime y'all!! 📚 ---How did y'all meet?--- We get this question a TON! The short answer, we met dancing! 🤠 During COVID 2020, businesses in Texas reopened briefly for 2 weeks before COVID case numbers rose again and everything was shut back down. During those 2 weeks, Chris saw Sarah dancing at Mavericks Dancehall Buda. He asked his friend John - "Hey John, who's that?!" John replied - "Oh that's Sarah! Have you not met her?" Chris responded - "Obviously not!" Sarah finished her dance and began walking off the floor. Just before she stepped off the dance floor, John said, "Hey Sarah, I'd like to introduce you to one of my friends, this is THE Chris Ivey". "Well, hello THE Chris Ivey" Sarah said as she laughed looking at Chris head-to-toe in a get-up that matched his introduction: fire engine red t-shirt with a rooster reading "Cocky", a giant cowboy hat, belt buckle, and boots. No doubt a real life humble cowboy! Ha! Chris smiled and immediately stuck out his hand and asked Sarah to dance. The rest is history. Mavericks Dancehall Buda holds such a special place in our hearts ❤️ - we got engaged there, celebrated part our wedding there, and even have a piece of the dancefloor in Chris' wedding ring (p.s. ask him to see it! 😉). We believe there are so many life lessons and skills that can be taken from dance. ...and it all starts with a little question..."Wanna dance?!" 📸 @BeLocalNewBraunfels #RedDirtDancing #StoryTime #Dance #Country #CountrySwing #Love #HowWeMet #CovidLove