DIY Boo Costume from Monsters Inc. 💕💜 Reasons why I DIY’d my daughters costume 1. I’m extra 2. Wearing costumes for 1 day is wasteful! I figured that if I build the costume with pieces she already has and a vest she can wear all season, I’d get more of my money’s worth. 3. Costumes are cheaply made! Honestly, I had full intentions of just purchasing the Boo costume off of Amazon, but when I read the reviews, they said that the headpiece wouldn’t stay on because it was too heavy for toddlers. 4. DIYing can save money if done right! I searched for an inexpensive vest, bought my fabric with coupons, and used materials that I already had at home for the rest. 5. Last but not least… It was fun! Obviously I am a DIYer by nature and I love to take on any challenge. However I’m glad that I tested out my options before I decided to simply “add to cart”. Now my daughter has a one-of-a-kind costume that I’m sure will stay on and also keep her warm. #monstersinc #boocostume#boocostumeeencostumes