Home workout with identical twin boys 👦🏼👦🏼 It’s been tough finding time to focus on things other than the boys these first couple months. Don’t get me wrong Jordan and I want to spend every moment we can with Leo and Luka, but thats not good for our mental health. I think it’s important to still have time to do things that we enjoy like working out, date nights, and time to ourselves. We have always agreed that we won’t put our marriage on the back burner just because we have kids. A strong healthy marriage will set the example for our boys and hopefully teach them to do the same with their lives. Although I just want to sleep non stop, I always feel so much batter after I get even a short workout in. I can’t wait for the day the boys ask to workout with me 🫶🏻 #twins #twinboys #identicaltwinboys #identicaltwins #twinbabies #parenting #dadlife #workout