As a female farmers, I don’t have a point to prove . I’m not the first and I wont be the last.. this video could indicate that (as my mama feeds hay with my daughter in her lap). For me- it has nothing to do with gender, age, or where we come from. I earn the respect I deserve through the work I do. The work of a wife, the work of a mother, the work with the live stock, the work on the tractor, the work at the meetings, the work on the computer, the work online, the work wherever I’m needed or called to. I am not exhausted from “trying to prove a point or pave a new way”. I am living a life that I honestly LOVE. And guess what? I feel respected in what I do. I have surrounded myself with men and women who do believe in me and don’t question me. And I get to use this platform to share me.. and other males & females working in agriculture.. together. #farmtips #femalefarmer #farmmom #farmwife #farmher #farmer #familyfarm #cattlefarm #sharingourfarmwithyourfamily #makingourfarmmobile