Throwback to Thursday, October 10, 2024 โ little Alanee Grace, fresh out of a bath, happy as could be despite being so congested. She was never fussy, just pure joy. We were sitting on the living room floor, her tiny legs resting on mine, laughing and talking... until the blowout of all blowouts. Diaper disaster right after her bath, all the way up her back. I'd give anything to change another diaper, to have one more moment together, to snuggle this Christmas. I miss you so much, Alanee. And you, too, Journee. ๐ Alanee Grace Payne 6/22/24 - 10/15/24 Journee Padgett 1/30/05 - 10/15/24 #itsnotchristmas #without #you #by #my #side #drowsydriving #dontdrivedrowsy #godhelpmeplease #foreverthecrazy8 #memeewittlesugar #deathofachild #brokenheart #accident #babiesoftiktok #babiesfirstchristmas #rip #christmasinheaven #f #journeepadgett #grandbaby #notfair #imissyou #foreverinmyheart #memeewittlesugar #deathofachild #momsoftiktok #alaneegrace #broken #godhelpme #listofthingsineverthoughtidsay #griefjourney #grief #mourning #AlaneeGrace #ForeverInMyHeart #CherishedMoments #AngelBaby #5stagesofgrief #stagesofgrief #grievingprocess #grievingjourney #acceptance #denial #bargaining #depression #anger #coping #lifeafterloss #lifeafterchildloss #fyp #imgettingstronger #godsgrace #amazinggrace #mercy #ismile