Bigatin Bundle ng Hi-Kidz is now available! Para sulit at pangmatagalan check-out na mommy! #bewell #hikidz #hikidztallerandstronger #cgf #taurine #bigatinbundle #bundle @Bewell Monica
Teens Starter Pack is now available! Boost your immunity and take Hi-Kidz for your growth development! Check out na, kasi tipid! #bewell #bewellc #hikidz #bundle #teenstarterpack #teen #teenbundle #fyp
Mga mommy! Sulit ‘tong new bundle ni Bewell! Ito ang Bigating Bundle ng Bewell-C Kids! Pangmalakasan talaga!🧡💪 #bewell #bewellckids #bewellc #bigatingbundle #bundle #promo #fyp
Buy 2, 250ML get free 120ML of Bewell-C Kids and Hi-Kidz, our new bundle. BIGATIN BUNDLE! check-out na para sulit at tipid! #bewell #bewellc #bewellckids #hikidz #bigatinbundle #bundle #fyp