Find what works best for YOU! I thought that tweezing was the best option for me for 16 years. I did not realize that because I have deeply rooted hair that I’d have deep ingrown hair, too. I ALWAYS had to break my skin & dig in to get those hairs out and it was so painful and left me with horrible scars. Since I stopped tweezing and started shaving like my Black female dermatologist advised, my skin is SO much healthier. 🥹 I’m finally feeling comfortable in my bare skin, even when my hair is visible. I’ll take a 5’oclock shadow from shaving over painful ingrown hair from tweezing & waxing ANY day! 🙌🏾 #shave #shaveitoff #facialhair #facialhairremoval #electricrazor #hairygirl #hairywomen #pcos #pcosawareness #pcosproblems #ingrownhair #hyperpigmentation #over30 #tiktokshopholidayhaul