⭐️ This is a true story! Our business was created on the back of a conversation, myself and my husband Paul had … we wanted to do something together… work on a project and essentially just learn something new. ⭐️ We had decided the third child wasn’t the way forward (kids are hard work!) ⭐️ Initially we both ran the business alongside our full time jobs and raising our daughters who are now 6 & 8. ⭐️ With a background in e-commerce and my husbands financial, operations and management background we are proud to have created a really strong team together! ⭐️ Don’t get me wrong there are times when we don’t agree. There are times when the business gets in the way of family life. It’s not always easy - and there is a lot of grafting. (Turns our running a business is as hard as having kids!) ⭐️ BUT we are also having a lot of fun! ⭐️ Hygge Sheets now sells internationally in the UK, US, Germany, France and soon Canada. We do have plans for more products too but this is always done carefully.. always ensuring what we do is right for our customers. ⭐️ Myself and Paul both managed to escape our full time jobs and now just work on Hygge Sheets alongside a small but amazing team of people around the world! #smallbusiness #startupbusiness #smallbusinessowner #husbandandwifeteam #mumlife #smallbusinessderby #mompreneur #entrepreneur
Duration: 3 sPosted : Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:24:35Views