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Siapa kata halloween tak boleh ada base yang mantap?!! This cushion from Y.O.U memang mantol!!! Look at how flawless it is!! PLEASE LAH CUBA! WAJIB! #YOUBeautyMY #YOUcloudtouch #cushionfoundation #makeup
Let's face it I salah pilih warna tapi tetap slay yaaa dia punya lipstick tu. Should I try with a darker lip liner gais??? Pls bagi idea π #racuntiktokshopmurah #lipstick #travelmakeup
Dengar cerita ramai nak travel awal tahun depan. Siapa nak jimat space bawak brow routine kena cuba this eyebrow 3 in 1. Mudah dooh. ABC 123 ahahahahah. This one I love so much #eyebrowsonfleek #racuntiktokshopmurah #eyebrow3in1 #travelmakeup
Sudahlah kita menerima muka akan sentiasa nampak berlemuih after a whole day of out and about but this cushion is π―!!! #foundationweartest #cushionfoundation #cubremixsally #makeupfyp
Sometimes all we need is shiny lips and a whole lot of fun! These ink glosses from @DAZZLE ME MALAYSIA is β¨β¨β¨ super shiny and vibrant!! #dazzlememy #dazzlemeinkgloss #lipswatch #lipswatches