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Love a good wheel clean! Still waiting on them new products 👀 2 weeks paternity soon so will get on this to release them #onthisday #fyp #foryou #detailing #snowfoam #carcleaning #ultragloss #satisfyingvideo
Let’s take some filthy wheels & smash them with our Ultra Wheels alkaline wheel cleaner! Results are 👌🏼 Linked below in the yellow basket, concentrated, 500ml & 2.5ltr available #onthisday #detailing #carcleaning #satisfyingvideo #foryou #fyp
It’s winter & the roads are wet, make sure you are properly pre washing your vehicle before contact wash… Citrus Punch helps massively & comes concentrated in 500ml and 2.5ltr #onthisday #detailing #carcleaning #satisfyingvideo #foryou #ultragloss
why treat your wheels differently to paintwork? They’re still painted & lacquered & if they’re gloss black… then it makes sense. #onthisday #detailing #carcleaning #satisfyingvideo #foryou #fyp