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Can’t poop? Or have a kid that can’t poop?💩 Skip the Miralax and first try Apple Cider 🍎 then if you need more help try Inulax! #inulax #poop #constipation #philsmypharmacist
Digestive Enzymes have SO many benefits! Definitely worth a try if any of the things I talk about in this video sound like you. #philsmypharmacist #mropartner #philsmypharmacist #digestiveenzymes #maryruths
Don’t get sick! I love this nasal iodine spray that helps protect me from getting sick and also helps me recover faster too! #dontgetsick #sickseason #philsmypharmacist
Better than Abreva cold sore hack! 🍯 Mix one part medihoney or the Superfood Honey with one part hydrocortisone ointment. Apply up to 6 times a day! #coldsorehack #philsmypharmacist #coldsorehacks #TikTokShopJumpstartSale
Trust me if you use salicylic acid cleanser in place of shaving cream… you will have the best shave of your life! #TikTokShopJumpstartSale #philsmypharmacist #cosrx #kbeauty #shaving #shavehack #ingrownhairs #razorburn