I think the obvious obvious difference is the texture je sebenarnya. Sebab the og make it glow mmg thiqueeee. So luminous silk concept nya sama aja medium-high coverage foundation tapi jenis texture runny ringan gitu. Finishing luminous silk irl nampakla lagi dewy tapi boleh je buat makeup matte. Maaez in term of coverage mmg tiptopsss. Cuma luminous silk you boleh build dia punya coverage, so boleh buat clean makeup jugak gituuuu. Tapi i sebagai high coverage girlie haruslah suka make it glow kalau nak full face makeup sbb sejenis foundation yg melekat elok. Oh and I heard they’re currently in the process of improving their luminous silk foundation!!! Can’t wait to try their new formula of luminous silk! #maaezfoundation @Maaez HQ