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Replying to @Ayat Official 👑 VERY impressed bu this eyebrow tint! #fyp #tiktokmademebuyit #summersale #eyebrowtint #eyebrowdye #eyebrows #eyebrowdyekit
Not sure why we need to venture out of tik tok shop when we can get ethical makeup products that perform better than the branded beauty businesses out there! These are absolutely beautiful. That formulation is perfection. @Glowe Beauty and that last colour NEEDS to be in your purse asap! #fyp #tiktokmademebuyit #lipbalmoil #luxurylipbalm #liproduct #makeup #beautyreview
A EPIC MYSTERY BOX FROM @Glowe Beauty id be pruchasing the products separately, theyre SO GOOD! #fyp #tiktokmademebuyit #mysterybox #makeupmysterybox #eidgift #mysterybundle
CREAMY, MILKY, BUTTERY and melts in your mouth! Sensational! Dome of the best barfi bites ive had! @UDARII #fyp #tiktokmademebuyit #barfi #barfibites #tiktokfood #pakistanisweets #mithai #iftar #ramadan #ramadangifts
WOW! These are absolutely delicious! That crunch from the candy coating, the subtle flavours of cotton candy mixed with bubble gum and then the soft sweetness of the dates - this is phenomenal! #fyp #tiktokmademebuyit #dates #candieddates #iftar #ramadan #tiktokfood #candy @UDARII
This is another stilleto find on tik tok shop which is extremely comfortable, easu to walk in and perfet for wide foot! And that price is amazing! #fyp #tiktokmademebuyit #heels #tiktokshoes #stiletto #widefeet