Lab On Hair Scalp Spray or Vigorous Hair Tonic? Both untuk help with hair growth. For me dua-dua syiok sebab sejuk je scalp tiap kali spray 😍 #haircare #hair #labonhairmy #vigoroushairtonic #hairtonic #scalpcare #hairgrowth #rambutlebat
gigi kuning boleh diusahakan, muka garang tu tak boleh buat apa 🥲 #dentific #dentificmy #gigiputih #gigikuning #oralhealth #dentalcare #dentifictoothpaste #charcoaltoothpaste #teethwhitening @Dentific Malaysia
Sharing some of the dos and don’ts that I learned as a content creator on Tiktok over the last two years 💕 @Dentific Malaysia #dentificmy #dentific #teethwhitening #dental #pemutihgigi #tiktok #contentcreator
nak cepat nak cepat nak cepat gigi putih tapi tak sempat lahai pergi dentist #dentific #dentificmy #gigiputih #dentificwhitepatch #teethwhitening #whiteningstrips #putihkangigi @Dentific Malaysia