STORY TIME: Okay bruh, like she blocked me so whatever, huge story time like I don't even know why she was so pressed. I don't even know why this was such a serious topic for her. She brought up how a lot of the content I'm posting is dangerous and risky to people who don't know skincare that well. WELL YEAH DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT LOL. I tell people this literally ALL the time - DO NOT DO WHAT I DO (I mean unless you're crazy like me 🤡). JUST WATCH FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT OR USE IT AS AN INTERESTING LEARNING EXPERIENCE. Almost everrrrryyyything I post, these are all things that work FOR ME. MY SKIN likes it. If anything, my content is just me flexing on all the wild things I can do to my face but you can't 🤭. BUT ISN'T THAT INTERESTING?? Like seeing the EXTREME limits of what someone can do to their face? I was legit just telling her my content is just there as content. It is literally just content. If it's educational for you, then great! If it's entertaining for you, then great! She was saying all like "wELL pEoPLe miGHt tAkE iT tHe WrOnG wAY" LIKE AM I EVERYONE'S PAPA LOL?? Everyone can do as they wish, they can do as they please. I NEVER tell anyone any of the products I showcase or skincare techniques I do is like mandatory or anything. Anyone can do anything. IT IS A FREE WORLD LOL. She just kept repeatedly saying that my content is dangerous for people and I was like WHAT. IT'S NOT LIKE I'M FORCING THEM TO DO WHAT I DO NOR AM I SAYING ANYTHING I'M DOING IS THE ONE TRUE WAY OF DOING SKINCARE?? If I had hair, it'd be falling off rn 🥚 #esthetician #clearskin #skincare
Duration: 6 sPosted : Wed, 26 Jun 2024 05:41:35Views