He’s so much happier to take walks off-leash now and he comes right back ever since we’ve been training with this device!! #dog #dogwalk #offleash #recall #barking #barkstopper #barkdeterrent #tiktokshop #fyp
I left the back door open not even realizing he got out and just wandered off on his own!! This bark deterrent and recall device doesn’t harm the pup like a shock collar might!!
They just leave him out here barking all day but now I don’t have to listen to him bark when I’m trying to work from home!! #dog #barking #barkstopper #barkdetterent #badneighbors #bequiet #ultrasonic #tiktokshop #fyp
I’m going to miss that guy like crazy, but at least she’ll have the training tool I ended up letting her keep it!! #dog #barking #dogtraining #barkdetterent #ultrasonic #tiktokshop #fyp
He barks so loud it was even hurting my own ears but I found this bark deterrent tool that actually works!! #barking #dogs #barkstopper #longrange #ultrasonic #tiktokshop #fyp