05th April 2024 💕 I missed this cutie a little too much today. I met this little angel on the flight. Just like that, she became so close to me. She was with me through the flight till her mom came and told me that she told her mom I don't like you, but I like this aunty, and she refused to sit with them. She sat on my lap. She is talking to me as if she has known me for years. She even invited me to her house and wants to follow me back. While she was talking to me, suddenly she came down from my lap and hugged me so tightly. Place her face on my chest. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. In the eyes of a child, love is a magical and pure emotion. I'm so blessed and grateful to get this kind of love and attention all the time from children. One thing for which I'm so grateful in my life is that I'm not sure why kids just get attached to me like that, but it's a godly gift to me. Blessed ✨️ This Reel doesn't really do justice to the beauty of this moment 🫠 #tillwemeetagain #littleangel #bestmoment #blessed #specialbirthday #loveforkids #angelontheflight👼 #children #godchild #fly #fyp #bestday #momenttocherish 💕