I felt compelled to share my baptism video from last year. I was baptized in Israel in the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized. I gave my life to Christ when I was 18. I was baptized in water for the redemption of my sins when I was 20. But, last year, I KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that God was calling me into a fresh baptism of His PEACE. For me, this was a PEACE over what and where He’s calling me to. It was PEACE over His purpose for me. I cant explain the overwhelming feeling I experienced as the Holy Spirit washed over me and filled me with the most unexplainable PEACE I’ve ever felt. Its a PEACE the world cant give. Friend, do you need PEACE today? He’s not in short supply. He’s a God of more than enough. Come, ask Him today to baptize you in His PEACE. The bible says seek and you shall find, ask and it will be given, knock and the door will be opened. He’s waiting for you to come to Him…. Will you come #baptismofjesus #baptismoftheholyghost #peace #hope #love #faithjourney #faithinspiration #spiritualgrowth #jordanriver #baptismvideo #faithinjesus #howtofindpeace #howtofindhappiness #inspirationalvideo #motivationalvideo #emotionalvideo
Duration: 48 sPosted : Tue, 20 Feb 2024 18:11:34Views