A federal court overturned the EPA’s ban on the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos is in the organophosphates class of chemicals and was developed for chemical warfare. Research shows that even small quantities of chlorpyrifos and organophosphates can cause permanent damage to the brains of children including reduced IQ, ADD, and loss of working memory. In adults, chlorpyrifos can damage the nervous system and can cause mild or severe systems based on the exposure levels. In 2021, the EPA banned all uses of Chlorpyrifos in food crops. However, a group of beet, sugar, soy, wheat, cherry, fruit, cotton, and vegetable organizations as well as Gharda Chemicals International and CropLife America filed a lawsuit against the EPA’s ban. Croplife America: 202-296-1585 Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Association (701) 239-4151 United States Beet Sugar Association (202) 296-4820 American Sugarbeet Growers Association (202) 833-2398 Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative (320) 329-8305 American Crystal Sugar Company 218-236-4400 Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative (701) 642-8411 American Farm Bureau Federation Front Desk: (202) 406-3600 American Soybean Association 314-576-1770 Iowa Soybean Association (515) 251-8640 Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (507) 388-1635 Missouri Soybean Association (573) 635-3819 Nebraska Soybean Association (402) 441-3239 South Dakota Soybean Association (605) 330-9942 North Dakota Soybean Growers Association (701) 640-5215 National Association of Wheat Growers (202) 547-7800 Cherry Marketing Institute (517) 669-4264 Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association (321) 214-5200 Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (706) 845-8200 National Cotton Council of America (901) 274-9030 Gharda Chemicals International, Inc. (215) 968-9474 A federal appeals court recently ruled that the EPA didn’t thoroughly consider whether there are any safe applications for chlorpyrifos. On December 19, 2023, the EPA announced that it would allow tolerances for use of chlorpyrifos for 11 food and feed crops. These crops include alfalfa, apple, asparagus, cherry (tart), citrus, cotton, peach, soybean, strawberry, sugar beet, wheat (spring), and wheat (winter). #pesticide#pesticides#health#chemicals#farm#farming#garden#brain#epa#toxic#insecticides#organophosphates#sugar#apple#asparagus#cherry#citrus#soy#strawberry#poison#wheat#alfalfa#environment#corruption#courtoriginal sound
Duration: 86 sPosted : Mon, 19 Feb 2024 22:14:51Views