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“BREATHE” 😭 whoever told me 7 kids & white seats in my tesla wasn’t a good idea….was right 🥲 #teslamodely #momof7 #cleanwithme #cleanmycar #momlife #magiceraser #ramen #chocolate #starbucks #nasty #momcar
But seriously what is it with teenagers and their HOODIES…. 😭 #summerbreak #blendedfamily #momofteens #stepdad #familyproblems #middlechild #twins #twinmom #skincare #gaming #momofboys #girlmom #cereal #summervacation
the look on his face when he reazlied there are no showers 💀 taking bets on which of the twins survive 6th grade camp…. 🙃 #grwm #twinmom #momofteens #tattletale #6thgradecamp #publicschool #packwithme #handwarmer #owala #blindedbythelight #emogirl
Not even the devastating winds ripping off our patio can bring us down on my twins birthday 🥲 With the help of my 7 kids let’s get ready for the most insane (and literal) pizza party EVER 👏🏻 #grwm #twins #twinmom #partyprep #momofteens #birthdayparty #pizzaparty #partysetup #rainyday #diy #safewaycake #amazonfinds #dingdong #bigdaddy #uniquepartytheme #tweenparty #costco #instacart #pizzabell #sliceslicebaby
THE LIPSTICK 😭 a house full of tweens & teenagers UGH help #pictureday #morningroutine #momof7 #crocs #perm #late #organizedchaos #momofteens #jeans #sweatpants #lipstick #realisticmomlife
I paid $2,500 to do the FULL body MRI scan… here’s how it went 🥲 60 min scan, scared, nervous, anxious… results to come! #prenuvo #wholebodyscan #mriresults #comewithme #prenuvoscan #earlydetection #fullbodymri #netflix #lifechanging