Pick one day out of your week where you can sit down and plan out what your next week is going to look like. For me, I usually do this on Sunday’s. Next, Make a coffee or tea and a snack, light a good smelling candle, put on some of your favorite chill music, and sit in a quiet, relaxing place. The very first thing you need to do when making a weekly plan is refer to your monthly calendar to make note of any appointments or commitments that you have scheduled that week. These can include things like work meetings, doctor’s appointments, classes at school, and dinner with a friend. You are then going to copy and paste those appointments to your weekly layout to start organizing your week. Next it’s time to set your priorites for the week. I like to write out my top 3 most important tasks that need to be done that week, then I write additional tasks I’d like to complete on my to-do list. Once I’m done organizing and planning out my week, I like to create a habit tracker. I keep it simple and just put a few things I need daily reminders of or habits I want to do daily and need a little nudge with. Last but not least, I like to add a few digital stickers to spruce up my planner spread and make it more fun. I don’t go overboard on decorating my spreads because I like a more minimalistic planner, but you can add as many or as little as you like! #digitalplanning #digitalplanner #goodnotes #ipadplanner #plannercommunity #planneraddict #digitalstickers #ipadplanning #goodnotesplanner #digitalplannerstickers #planner #plannerstickers #digitalplanners #weeklyplanning #weeklyplanner
Duration: 0 sPosted : Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:48:28Views