Am I grateful for taxes? This was a challenging one for me to think through. But it turns out that there’s even positive ways to look at taxes. I am grateful for so many of the things that taxes are used for. Many of these things benefit us greatly as a society, as a nation, and often even for us personally. Certainly, there are some things that are taxes are used for that we don’t appreciate. So your attitude comes down to which of those things you choose to focus on. Note: when I say “generally good government”, I am comparing to governments full of corruption, where much if not the majority of money is funneled directly to the pockets of people in leadership. A #gratitudeattitude has to be intentional, and often requires reframing and rethinking about traditionally negative things, like taxes. #grateful #gratitude #gratitudejournal #todayiamgrateful #thankfulfor #taxes #taxseason