TOP 10 THINGS I ATE (and drank) IN BELFAST ☘️ Flew with @easyJet from London Gatwick ! I made a list below to make things a little easier: 1. Pockets (breakfast) 2. Flout (pizza) 3. Kelly’s Cellars (Irish bar) 4. Madden’s Bar (Irish bar) 5. Bittles Bar (Irish bar) 6. Daisies (hot chocolate) 7. Neighbourhood Cafe (best breakfast 🏆 ) 8. Yugo (asian fusion) 9. Noble (best dinner 🏆 ) (9.5). Titanic Experience (not food, just worth doing) 10. The Belfast Bap Co I don’t think I’ve fallen in love with a city so much. We had locals giving us recommendations every single day. Everyone was so chatty and lovely, you can also walk everywhere basically which is something I personally love about a city too (not needing a car that is). I’m definitely coming back in the next few months so anywhere I’ve missed, please let me know! @Tourism Ireland @easyJet (ad) #GetOutThere #FillYourHeartWithIreland #WhatFillsYourHeart #NorthernIreland #belfast #belfastfood