Our gym progress @The original edith 🤍 thank you to anyone who has left tips for us & helped us improve without judging. Everhone starts somewhere & we took a while to start making changes after both having our last baby, but now they’re both in pre-k so we’ve decided to dedicate time for us and our future 🤌🏽 #gym #gymbuddy #progress #fourweeks #bodychange #workingout #slow #onedayatatime #fourweekweightloss #gym #75hard #summer
Got my mom one and she lovesss it, perfect to make tinga, pozole, chicken noodle soup, flautas, tamales you name it. Supper convenient. #chickenshredder #mexicanfood #chickennoodlesoup #pozole #tamales #tinga #grinder #kitchenhacks