Chicken Soup with crust crackers: -onions, carrots, and any other root veggies you may want ( celery, potatoes, turnip, ect) sautéed in some butter for a few min. Grate in garlic. And season to your liking. -sprinkle in some flour and stir. Add broth, chicken, and any other quick let cooking veggies(peas,corn, mushrooms, ect) you may want. -simmer until all veggies are cooked and soft. -add in some cream if wanted. Add in a hunk of frozen mashed potatoes to thicken further if needed. -crust crackers is just your fave pie crust cut, egg washed, salt, and bake. 😀 #truckerwife #truckerwifetip #wifey #homemade #food #oklahoma #homestead #soupseason #supperideas #suppertime