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im sure in another life theyd be together. #fyp #foryou #gossipgirl #gossipgirlhere #blairwaldorf #chuckbass #chuckandblair #edwestwick #leightonmeester #gossipgirlseason #gossipgirledit #blairandchuckedit
now ive watched it i will absolutely jump to jeres defense at every chance i get (& yes idc about the 3rd book xoxox) #fyp #foryou #tsitp #thesummeriturnedpretty #tsitpseason2 #teamjellyfish #bellyandjeremiah #bellyandconrad #jeremiahfisher #conradfisher #bellyconklin #teamjelly #tsitpedit #thesummeriturnedprettyedit #teamjelly #taylorswift #taylorsversion #delicatetaylorsversion
you cant change my mind, no matter what im team jere bearš¤ #fyp #foryou #tsitp #thesummeriturnedpretty #tsitpseason2 #teamjellyfish #bellyandjeremiah #bellyandconrad #jeremiahfisher #conradfisher #bellyconklin #teamjelly