BLACK FRIDAY FLASH SALE ⚡️ Our MEGA Black Friday deal is flying off the shelves, be quick! 🛍️ Motherload literally means “a very large amount of something valuable” and this is exactly what you get with this ultimate of ultimate sets! Why stress over what you do and do not need when you can have it all? The Motherload is a full complement of all our products packed full of the best quality skincare ingredients for you and your newborn baby in one amazing set. And, as your expert midwives, we give you the knowledge, support, and the products you REALLY need. Rest assured that each and every time you reach for one of these incredible midwife made, mum approved you are backed by experts who truly care. #blackfriday #blackfriday2024 #blackfridaysale #blackfridaydeals #pregnancy #pregnant #hospitalbag #newborn #babyboy #babygirl #midwife #myexpertmidwife #tiktokshop #tiktokshopblackfriday #breastfeeding #babyskincare #firsttimemumuk #teething #mumsoftiktok #momsoftiktok