Just recently someone came to me and say that si fulan punya acne tak hilang2. macam2 dah skincare they put but “the skin just dont care!” 😅 Fyi, not all acnes are caused by unsuitable skincare. Sama jugak dengan other problems. Not all headaches are caused by stress. And not all constipation are caused by “tak cukup minum air” 😬 Sometimes kan, its your #guthealth yang problem sikit.. When you punya gut is unhealthy, its more than just stomach pain, gas, bloating, or diarrhea. Because 60-80% of our immune system is located in our gut, gut imbalances ni are linked to hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, anxiety, depression, eczema and macam2 lagi. So on the first picture i inserted alternatives on how to improve our gut health. Instead ofs; 1- taking Kimchi u take #shiruto 2-taking any random powdered collagen, u take #maqnifiq 3-Cooking sayur2 u eat #spirulina 4- Drinking ginger shots, u take #beyangcaffe☕